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 Jesse Ventura - The Official Facebook Page shared a link. November 11
Thanks, InfoWars, for the support:, if only we could get ballot access in all 50 states AND be allowed to debate...Like I always say, if I can debate them, I can beat them. If I were president, I'd pick up where JFK left off: ending the wars and bringing peace back to our country. He was a visionary and it's high time we see that vision become reality.
We the people of Illinios petition link here






    1. Petition by

      Pete Wichert                   

      Chicago, United States






This Petition is important because we need 25,000 signatures to get a Independent canidate on the 2016 ballot more than four times the amount when compared to the democrates or republicans. Mr. Ventura would like to stop the wars and instead of investing money in the war effort he would like to put that into the healthcare system. If anything he deserves a fair chance and it is important that he gets on the Illinois Ballot to get that fair chance. Sign petition here and thank everyone for your help and support!



       New Links Interviews and More Information Regarding Jesse Ventura                                  

Dear Pete,
Thanks for signing our petition, "Federal Elected Officials: Regain Our Civil Liberties."
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Thanks again -- together we're making change happen,

Jesse Ventura






Instrumental to a Jesse Ventura 2016 bid: Howard Stern for VP


By PATRICK GAVIN | 10/15/13 9:54 PM EDT


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When asked whether he would run for president someday, former Minnesota governor and former professional wrestler Jesse Ventura said: sure, why not.

Instrumental to a Jesse Ventura 2016 bid: Howard Stern for VP

“I like the idea of waging war on the Democrats and the Republicans,” Ventura told POLITICO. “I enjoy it because they’re so vulnerable. They’re so easy. If I can debate them, I can beat them.”

The key though, he said, would be if his 2016 running mate, Howard Stern, agreed to run with him.“It all comes down to whether Howard will do it, and I need Howard,” said Ventura, adding that Stern’s access to satellite radio — and millions of listeners — will not only help out fundraising but free Ventura from the Federal Communications Commission.

“I can use his radio station right up to the day of the election to win this thing without spending any money,” Ventura said.

Ventura said he’s in touch with Stern and “we gotta start soon.”

“We gotta go quick. I’ve gotta get ballot access in all 50 states with a grass-roots movement.”

“If he goes out to his listeners and says, ‘Give me $10 apiece,’” fundraising won’t be an issue, Ventura said.

Ventura said his greatest appeal to voters comes down to this: “I will offer the people of the United States of America the first opportunity since George Washington to elect a president that does not belong to a political party. And, in light of what’s going on right now with the government shutdown with these two bozo parties, I’ll win on that alone. Because the people will be so ticked off, Jesse Ventura will be your president.”

Believe it or not, that bit of news isn’t why Ventura is hitting the promotional circuit. He’s out with a new book about the assassination of John F. Kennedy that rejects the findings of the Warren Commission and, instead, says the U.S. government, including former President Lyndon B. Johnson, had a hand in that fateful day in Dallas.

The title is, “They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to Believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK,” and he’s well aware that it’s not for everybody.

“I can’t get on NBC. I can’t get on ABC. I can’t get on CBS. I can’t get on Fox. … They avoid it like the plague.”

Ventura said it’s because “the media has been part of the coverup,” and he’s particularly annoyed at Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly.

“He won’t let me on,” said Ventura, calling O’Reilly “a hypocrite” since the two talked about the assassination on O’Reilly’s “Inside Edition.” “I saw a tape of him … where new evidence came forward and he was demanding they open up a new investigation” into the assassination, Ventura said.

“Now he’s at Fox News. He’s rich and he’s the corporate man. Oh no!”

Ventura says it’s likely that we’ll never fully know what happened on Nov. 22, 1963.

“I doubt it. [The media] will never admit it because then they’d have to admit that they bamboozled us for 50 years and they’re not about to do that.”

He insists he’s not “a conspiracy nut” and notes that it’s not just the JFK assassination where he sees mischief. “I have plenty of questions about Sept. 11,” he adds. But he even sees some conspiracies within the conspiracies, saying that some theories about JFK’s death “are done by design.”

“False this, false this, so they can marginalize everyone.”

As far as current events go, he calls the government shutdown “despicable” and said “they’re willing to shut down the government to keep us from getting health care and jeopardize our national security?”

He says both parties have “created a system based completely on bribery.”

“You bribe them. You pay them off. Both sides. It doesn’t matter who the president is. They’ve paid off both sides. When you bet on both teams, you’ve got your bets covered.”

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The 3rd story on the news video on the right is Top Ten Reasons why Jesse is our only hope in 2016

Jesse Ventura Videos

The latest message from Mr. Ventura Below (scroll down)

#StayVigilant Quotes


A visual collection of Jesse Ventura’s favorite quotes from leaders and thought influencers that inspire us to #StayVigilant.


Send us your favorite #StayVigilant quotes by completing the form below or feel free to Tweet, Instagram or Facebook your favorite quotes too! Each month we’ll send a random entry a FREE gift just for participating!


Name: Pete WichertEmail: petewichert@att.netSource of Your Quote (Website URL): “The danger is quite severe. The problem with what the president is doing is that he’s not simply posing a danger to the constitutional system. He’s becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid. That is the concentration of power in [a] single branch.”Name of Person You Would Like to Quote: GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY LAW PROFESSOR JONATHAN TURLEY      #StayVigilant

Edward Snowden


The NSA doesn’t get any special privileges. Edward Snowden is my personal hero, and Bradley Manning and Julian Assange are right up there with him. Click here to read more.



Major General Smedley Darlington Butler

(1881 – 1940)


At the time of his death, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler was the most decorated marine of his time. Among his 16 metals, he received five for heroism — including two Metals of Honor. The fact that he served our country makes him a patriot. However, Smedley Butler’s heroism did not end there.


Source: The webpage for "Off the Grid" by Jesse Ventura




I’M STARTING this blog post with a question: Why did 3.2 million Americans tune in to watch Honey Boo Boo’s parents get married?

Of all the shows on television, that’s what you choose to watch? I keep saying that the mainstream media and the news channels don’t report the news. That they’re based solely on ratings, what their corporate sponsors want them to report on, and of course, they all take orders from the bigwigs upstairs.

But people, we are part of the problem here. If 3.2 million Americans tuned in to watch a reality show, which — spoil alert — is as real as wrestling, then what do you think will be the main topic of discussion tomorrow morning on all the news channels? Mainstream media reports entertainment news, what they know will sell, instead of focusing on reality.

Everyone always asks me, “Governor, do you really live off the grid? What the heck do you do down there, without TV? Don’t you get bored?”

The short answer is no, I’m never bored. I wake up every day, unplugged from the rat race. I call it recharging my brain. It’s the best life: I eat fresh fish, caught the same day, and vegetables that come straight from the ground, without GMOs or preservatives. I get my electricity from the sun, and I get the best exercise of my life on my surfboard.

But what I really look forward to is reading. I live half the year in Mexico, and for the six months I’m down here, I read. I read about 20 books every winter. And every winter, I read more books than in my entire school career. I read non-fiction books on interesting topics that relate to history and real issues, and I find the information to be truly fascinating and eye-opening.


I think it’s incumbent upon all of us as American citizens to pay attention. You know, you have time to watch baseball, you have time to watch football, you have time to watch Honey Boo Boo’s parents get married, but I think we’re losing a knowledgeable public at the same time. We’ve got to get people back on track, paying attention, because if you don’t pay attention to what your government is doing, you’re going to pay some dire consequences for it. Government shutdown? The TPP? Need I say more? (If you don’t know what TPP means, time to Google.)

I always aspire to live by simple quotes that everyone should heed. Like: ”Dissension is the greatest form of patriotism.” I truly believe that. If you don’t hold our elected officials accountable, if you don’t pay attention to what they’re doing, then you are going to get bad government.

If you don’t already know, find out who your elected officials are and look into what they stand for. Take your right to vote seriously. If 42 percent of Americans really consider themselves politically independent, then I want to see less DemoCRIP and ReBLOODlican gang members elected in 2014 and 2016. I want to see actions speak louder than words in this country. I want to see a revolution!


So if you’ve already broken your New Year’s resolution or you never got around to making one, make a commitment to educate yourself on what’s really going on in our country. If you need some guidance, I’ve posted some of my favorite library books here.



Gov. Jesse Ventura

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